Gegenwärtig bewegt sich der Verbrauch von Polypropylen (PP) in der Automobilindustrie um 15 % des globalen Gesamtverbrauchs und der Anteil von Polypropylen am Gesamtumfang von Plastik in der Automobilindustrie beträgt 50 %.
Zu den Hauptvorteilen von Polypropylen gehört hauptsächlich sein niedriges Gewicht, geringe Umweltbelastung bei der Herstellung, leichte Verarbeitbarkeit und die Möglichkeit der Recyklierens. Polypropylen können wir an Automobilen sowohl an den äußeren (Stoßstange, Spoiler) als auch in den inneren Teilen (Dashboardverkleidungen, Türfüllungen, Mittelkonsolen usw.) finden. Eine weitere Möglichkeit des Gebrauchs der polypropylenen Zusammensetzungen in der Automobilindustrie ist das Ersetzen von Blechpresslingen durch klassische Konstruktionspolymere und technische Plastikarten.
In unserem Portfolio kann man mehrere Materialarten finden, die für die Automobilindustrie nach den Spezifikationen des Zielkunden angepasst wurden.
Spezifizierung des Materials
Aus dem folgenden Verzeichnis können Sie MDS (Materialblatt) mit detaillierten Spezifikationen der von uns hergestellten zusammengesetzten Plastikarten für den Gebrauch in der Automobilindustrie downloaden.
Hi Prene® MR71SE | 15% mineral filled PP Compound, designed for moulding large complex parts, high impact strenght, good stiffness, UV and scratch resistance. | Download |
Hi Prene® MR71E | 15% mineral filled PP Compound, designed for moulding large complex parts, high impact strenght, good stiffness. | Download |
Hi Prene® HSG43HT | glass fiber filled polypropylene, long-term thermal stability, good stiffness | Download |
Hi Prene® MR71 | 15% Mineral filled TPO for injection molding, Designed for painting bumper cover applications, High Flow, High impact strength, Good stiffness | |
Hi Prene® MR71S | 15% Mineral filled TPO for injection molding, Designed for non-painting bumper cover applications, High Flow, High impact strength, Good stiffness, UV stabilized, Scrach resistance | |
Hi Prene® MR71M | 15% Mineral filled TPO for injection molding, Designed for MIC(molded-in-color) skid plate bumper applications, High Flow, High impact strength, Good stiffness, UV stabilized, Scrach resistance | |
Hi Prene® MR63SM | 30% Mineral filled TPO for injection molding, Designed for non-painting side garnish applications, High Flow, High impact strength, Good stiffness, Low CLTE, UV stabilized, Scrach resistance | |
Hi Prene® MR63UC | 30% Mineral filled TPO for injection molding, Designed for painting side garnish applications applications, High Flow, High impact strength, Good stiffness, Low CLTE | |
Hi Prene® MT43 | 30% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for lamp housing applications, Good stiffness, Heat stabilized | |
Hi Prene® MG63HHE | 20% Mineral and 10% glass fiber filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for thin layer lamp housing applications, Good stiffness, Heat stabilized | |
Hi Prene® HG43HL | 30% Glass fiber filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for fan shroud applications, Good stiffness, Heat stabilized | |
Hi Prene® MT44CT | 40% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for cowl top cover applications, Good stiffness, Weatherability |
HiPrene® MT41VG | 10% mineral filled, elastomer modified PP compound | Download |
HiPrene® MT43 | 30% mineral filled PP copolymer compound, good impact stiffness balance | Download |
HiPrene® MT63IV | 16% mineral filled PP with very good odor and emission values. Designed for interior application, especially for dashboard. | Download |
HiPrene® MT61DT | mineral filled PP compound, very good impact/stiffness balance, UV stabilized. | Download |
HiPrene® MT52VF | 20% mineral filled PP Compound, excellent impact/stiffness balance, UV stabilized. | Download |
HiPrene® MT41VD | mineral filled PP Compound, excellent impact/stiffness balance, UV stabilized | Download |
HiPrene® MT41VJ | mineral filled PP Compound, excellent impact/stiffness balance, UV stabilized | Download |
HiPrene® MT62HS | 20% mineral filled PP Compound, excellent impact/stiffness balance. | Download |
HiPrene® MT42TB | 20% mineral filled impact modified PP, designed especially for C/PAD application. | Download |
HiPrene® MT42IN | 20% mineral filled PP. Excellent impact/stiffness balance. Designed for interior application. | Download |
HiPrene® M570 | Impact copolymer, good processing stability, medium fluidity. | Download |
HiPrene® M560ST | Impact copolymer, good processing stability, medium fluidity. | Download |
HiPrene® MT42HS | 20% mineral filled, impact modified PP, good impact/stiffness balance, good scratch resistance | Download |
HiPrene® MSG43 | 30% glass fiber filled PP copolymer, impact modified. | Download |
HiPrene® MT41DT | 12% mineral filled, impact modified polypropylene compound, good scratch resistance, high stiffness | Download |
HiPrene® MT62CP | 25% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for crash pad applications, High Flow, Good stiffness, Good imapct strength | |
HiPrene® MT42IN | 20% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for painting crash pad applications, High Flow, Good stiffness, Good imapct strength | |
HiPrene® MT42TB | 20% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for invisible PAB crach pad applications, High Flow, Good stiffness, High imapct strength | |
HiPrene® MT42HS | 20% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for interior part applications, Good stiffness, Good imapct strength, Scratch resistance | |
HiPrene® MT62HS | 20% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for interior part applications, High Flow, Good stiffness, Scratch resistance | |
HiPrene® MM51 | 5% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for interior part applications, Good stiffness, Scratch resistance | |
HiPrene® MT61DT | 10% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for door trim part applications, Good stiffness, Low density, Scratch resistance | |
HiPrene® MM71T | 14% Mineral filled PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for thin layer door trim part applications, Good stiffness, High impact strength, Scratch resistance | |
HiPrene® M560ST | PP compounding for injection molding, Designed for seat cover part applications, Good stiffness, Scratch resistance |